Friday, 8 June 2007

Last Sunday I...

So last Sunday I left myself alone and randomly departed from home, towards south Lisbon, out of the city. I crossed the bigger bridge (Vasco da Gama) but I still didn’t know were to head to. It was hot so I took the first exit out of the highway. Between Samouco, Seixalinho and Alcochete I took a couple rolls of Ilford Delta 100 and some Provia 100F. I didn't know these places and it all seemed far-far-far away from Lisbon. I'll post some images soon...

For today, I feel like recycling some images out of my digital box. I found a lot of pictures I had never "saw" before. I'll keep on posting them on Flickr for the next days.

This foto? A footstep or just a big stop of drained out sand? A twilight twist to talk about in some other post...

Today's score: nothing at all.

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